Early Childhood Literacy
Board Goals
House Bill 3 (HB 3) amends Texas Education Code (TEC) to add Sec. 11.185 and 11.186 to include plans that target early childhood (EC) literacy and math proficiency and college, career, and military readiness (CCMR). Under HB 3, school boards are required to adopt plans in early childhood literacy and math, as well as college, career, and military readiness.
SBISD board of trustees approved the initial goals in October of 2020. Goals are reviewed and updated as results from each year are received. Below are the most recent charts which include results from 2022 along with adjusted targets for 2023. Due to changes in the STAAR tests, 2023 results will be used as a baseline year to guide the development of targets for 2024 and beyond. Similarly, future targets for College, Career, Military Readiness (CCMR) indicators, beginning with the class of 2022, will be developed pending changes to eligible indicators.