The Grants Department provides pre-award as well as post-award assistance to employees.
Pre-award Assistance includes:
- Sharing information about grant opportunities
- via one to two page summaries
- through Super Notes or direct email
- Collecting and sharing of commonly needed information:
- demographics
- budgets
- evaluation
- Tips and examples
- Answering questions about application processes
- Serving as the Point of Contact for the System for Award Management (, the official website of the US Goverment
- Sharing information about webinars and classes
- Contacting of grantors to clarify information
- Federal agencies
- State agencies
- Foundations
- Contacting agencies for critique sheets if proposal not funded
- Collaborating on grant development
- Editing proposals and providing feedback
- Writing proposals for Superintendent and Associate Superintendents
- Obtain Board of Trustee approval if required
- Obtain Superintendent signature on grant applications
Post-award Assistance includes:
- Serving as the liaison between the grantor representative and the employee
- Coordinating services with the Finance Department to get the budget set up
- Coordinating services with the Finance Department to get the work flow approvals set up
- Monitoring transactions for allowable use of funds per the grantor and the Finance Department
- Tracking budget expenditures as an internal auditing control
- Helping remove spending obstacles
- Reminding budget managers of remaining grant dollars
- Assisting as needed with reporting and budget deadlines
- Communicating with grantor representative on financial matters
- Attending grant monitoring meetings with Project Coordinators