STAAR End-of-Course

For the December 2018 STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) assessments, out-of-school (OOS) examinees (including former TAKS, TAAS, and TEAMS examinees) must register online at Texas Assessment Management System.

Examinees who do not register by October 5, 2018, must be registered by campus personnel at a participating campus on the day of testing, if the campus can accommodate them.

The December STAAR EOC tests will be administered as follows:

The December 2018 testing window is Monday, December 3 - Friday, December 7. English I and English II are administered on TEA-designated dates, as follows:

December 3, 2018 (English I)

December 5, 2018 (English II)

All other assessment dates are determined by the testing location and will be available for viewing during the registration process. 

Testing will begin at 8:00am.  Please report for check-in at 7:30am.


Because the TAKS and TAAS tests are no longer being administered, former TAKS and TAAS examinees (including former TEAMS examinees) will take the STAAR EOC Algebra I and/or appropriate part of the STAAR EOC English II test(s). STAAR EOC scores will be matched to the appropriate TAKS and TAAS passing standards.

On the day(s) of testing, examinees should arrive at the test site 30 minutes before the designated testing time. Examinees must present picture identification, such as a driver’s license, DPS ID, military ID, school ID, or resident alien card to test. Examinees will not be allowed to take the test(s) without a picture ID.

If you have any questions about OOS registration, please contact Spring Branch ISD Assessment and Compliance at 713-251-2266.