Spring Branch Academic Institute (SBAI)

SBAI Applicants


Spring Branch Academic Institute will provide highly, exceptionally, and profoundly gifted children an advanced educational opportunity matched to their individual abilities, strengths and interests.


There are few public programs or schools designed specifically to meet the needs of highly, exceptionally, and profoundly gifted students in the Houston area. Parents of highly gifted children are desperately seeking appropriate educational settings for their children.

Spring Branch Academic Institute will provide individualized instruction at the appropriate pace, depth and complexity needed by highly gifted students in a multi-aged setting. By creating a school-within-a-school for this specific population, SBISD will be filling a great need for students in Spring Branch ISD.


  • SBAI serves qualifying Spring Branch ISD students in  grades K-12 (students must enter SBAI during elementary school).
  • Use a school-within-a-school structure with a separate director and core teaching staff
  • Meet students’ affective needs by providing a true peer group and service learning opportunities. 


This school was first recommended in 2005 by the Elementary GT Task Force. A second task force with predominantly new members recommended the school again in 2007. Based on the experiences of other public school districts in urban areas (Carrollton-Farmers Branch in Carrollton, Texas and Paradise Valley Unified in Scottsdale, Arizona), the school has grown as it attracted eligible students.  The school opened to eligible SBISD students age appropriate for grades K-4 in 2013-2014.

Opening a school designed specifically for highly gifted students demonstrates that SBISD is committed to meeting the educational needs of ALL students.

For Information

For information about qualifying for the school, the application process or the lottery, please contact 
Advanced Academic Studies at 713-251-1901.
Specific scores needed for students moving into SBISD can be found on the application and on this website under the "qualifications tab" along with the names of qualifying tests. 

For more information about programming for the Spring Branch Academic Institute at 713-251-2219.