CPS Reporting

Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

At SBISD, the safety and well-being of children are at the core of our mission. We understand the profound responsibility that comes with ensuring a secure environment for our youngest members of society. Our commitment to child safety is unwavering, and we strive to create a community where every child has the opportunity to thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.

We encourage everyone—staff, parents, and the general public—to remain vigilant and informed about the signs of child abuse and neglect. It is crucial to know how and when to report any concerns to Child Protective Services (CPS). Prompt reporting can make a significant difference in the life of a child at risk. To facilitate this, we provide clear and accessible channels for reporting concerns, ensuring that the process is confidential and handled with the utmost sensitivity and seriousness it deserves. By working together, we can help protect our children and contribute to their healthy development.

IT’S THE LAW: Any person who believes that a child’s physical or mental health or welfare has been or may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect, or that the child has died of abuse or neglect must report his or her suspicions of the Texas Department of Human Services or to a law enforcement agency.

REPORTING: A report must be filed within 48 hours to the Texas Department of Regulatory Services by telephone 1(800-252-5400) or online http://www.txabusehotline.org/GUEST LOG IN.

Staff Instructions for Mandatory Reporting