Join SBISD Police
Hiring Process
- Everyone: Initial On-Line Application
- Less than 5 years of service: POST- Police Officer Selection Test(Click to Sign up for Testing)
- Background Packet due 7 days after receiving
- Interview with background investigator
- Pass Background (approved by CID Sergeant)
- Psychological Exam
- Oral Board*
- Chief Interview**
- Final decision by Chief of Police
The Communities We Serve
- 45 Schools
- 44 Square Miles
- 40,000 Students
- 4,000 Employees
- 5 Jurisdictions
Spring Branch ISD Police Department
- 69 Officers
- 14 Civilians
- Starting pay-$63,000 (TCOLE Basic Peace Officer No Experience)
- Pay may be adjusted for college in lieu of experience
- Shift Differential
- Language Differential
- CIT Differential
- Certificate Differential
- Generous Opportunities for Overtime
- Vacation Days
- Personal Days
- Non-Duty Days
- Comp Time
Duty Assignments
Uniformed Services
- Patrol- Days, Evening, and Nights
- K-9- 4 Handlers
- 2- Narcotics, 1- Explosive, and 1-Patrol
- Accident Investigator
- Onsite Officers-10 (High Schools and Middle Schools)
- Criminal Investigations Division
- 3 Investigators
- Gang Officer
- Officer assigned to Harris County Multi Agency Gang Task Force
- CIT Officer
- Community Relations Officer
- Updated Patrol Fleet
- High Water Rescue F250
- Armored Personnel Carrier
- All uniforms
- Weapons issued by department
- Molle Vests (Ballistic and Heavy Vest)
- Duty Rig
- Holsters
- Tourniquets
- Cell Phone
- Jacket
The Police Department is responsible for the development and implementation of the District’s Emergency Operation Plan and is in compliance with all National, State and Local requirements.
The On-Site Campus Officers provide proactive daily campus law enforcement.
The Patrol Officers are divided into 4 districts providing law enforcement services to all District campuses and facilities 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Canine Patrol includes 4 highly trained and nationally certified Canines. Each Canine is specialized in either patrol, explosives or narcotics.
The Traffic Safety Unit is responsible for traffic enforcement in and around district campuses, school zones and bus loading/unloading areas. The traffic safety unit also conducts accident investigations and coordinates the District Crossing Guard program.
The Truancy Officers work closely with campus administrators, Child Protective Services, the District Attorney’s Office, and the Harris County Court System to insure all SBISD students are in compliance with compulsory attendance laws.
The Communications/Dispatch Unit employs state certified dispatchers, using current technology, to maintain phone and radio communications with the public, all campuses, district facilities, and other area emergency service providers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Community Services are provided through the SBISD Police Department’s Programs on Drug and Gang Awareness.
The SBISD Police Department in partnership with numerous community organizations, provides information and assistance to the Spring Branch community.
Auxiliary Officer Volunteer
Auxiliary Officer application