Dr. Blaine's Blog

Advocacy request today for HB 3028


Dear SBISD Community,

Today the House Public Education Committee will hear House Bill 3028 (HB 3028). This is a favorable bill for Spring Branch ISD, providing a 4% discount for early payment of recapture.

Let the House Public Education Committee know this is a positive bill for SBISD by submitting written testimony at the link below. (Based on this year’s recapture payment, this bill would save SBISD over $3 million.)

House Public Comment link

Some recapture reminders:

  • The State will take, or recapture, $87 million in local taxpayer funds from SBISD this year. That’s 21% of all local taxes paid by SBISD taxpayers for public education in SBISD.
  • SBISD pays the 10th highest recapture, though we are the 39th largest district in Texas and 57% of our students are economically disadvantaged.
  • Since 2014 alone, SBISD has paid nearly $500 million in recapture to the state. We have only received $168 million in state funding over the same period.
  • Businesses receive a discount for making their sales tax payments to the state early. We should have the same discount opportunity. An early recapture payment discount was taken away in 2019 under HB 3. This bill, if passed, would restore this discount. 

I will be in Austin today along with several Trustees meeting with Senator Huffman to discuss public school funding needs of SBISD. We are hopeful for a positive outcome.

Thank you for YOUR important and impactful advocacy to date. With only five weeks remaining in the 88th Legislative Session, our advocacy to #FullyFundSBISD remains our priority.

Jennifer Blaine, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools