Dear SBISD Family,
As we continue to monitor the 88th Legislative Session, we ask for your positive advocacy today on House Bill 3028 which will be heard in the House today and is favorable for SBISD.
This bill aligns with our legislative priorities and would provide a 4% prepayment discount for any district that chooses to pay their recapture by February 15.
Please contact our Representatives and ask them to support HB 3028.
House Representatives representing SBISD
mano.deayala@house.texas.gov 512-463-0514
lacey.hull@house.texas.gov 512-463-0727
penny.moralesshaw@house.texas.gov 512-463-0620
Some recapture reminders:
- The State will take, or recapture, $87 million in local taxpayer funds from SBISD this year. That’s 21% of all local taxes paid by SBISD taxpayers for public education in SBISD.
- SBISD pays the 10th highest recapture, though we are the 39th largest district in Texas and 57% of our students are economically disadvantaged.
- Since 2014 alone, SBISD has paid nearly $500 million in recapture to the state. We have only received $168 million in state funding over the same period.
- Businesses receive a discount for making their sales tax payments to the state early. We should have the same discount opportunity. An early recapture payment discount was taken away in 2019 under HB 3. This bill, if passed, would restore this discount.
As the 88th Legislative Session continues, we are monitoring a variety of education-related bills on finance, accountability and other critical issues. We will continue to keep you informed, and we thank you for your sustained advocacy.
With four more weeks left this session, we will continue the fight to #fullyfundSBISD.
Our children are our bottom line.
Jennifer Blaine, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools