Dr. Blaine's Blog

Legislative update and call for advocacy


Dear SBISD Families, Colleagues and Community Members,

We need your continued advocacy with a busy week of hearings on education- and budget-related bills at the Capitol.

Here are some bills we are watching:

SENATE BILL 2088: Prepayment Credit for Recapture

This bill is POSITIVE for Spring Branch ISD and directly addresses an SBISD legislative priority.  The Senate Education Committee is slated to hear this bill tomorrow, Wed., April 5.

If passed, SB 2088 would provide recapture districts like SBISD with the option to receive a 10% reduction in our recapture bill – if that payment is made to the state by February 15.

  • Based on this year’s recapture amount, this would save SBISD about $8 million.
  • Businesses currently enjoy a similar discount for sales tax payments they make to the state.
  • This incentive for early payment benefits the state’s bottom line. With more revenue in the state treasury, the state can earn interest on these dollars and reduce borrowing costs to meet state cash flow requirements.
  • This early payment discount was available to districts until House Bill 3 passed in 2019. Bringing this discount back is a way to reduce recapture without significant cost to the state.
  • Reminder: As a recapture district, the state takes, or recaptures, property taxes paid by our taxpayers to SBISD in excess of what the state says SBISD is entitled to.  This year, the state will take $87 million from SBISD, or 21 cents on every dollar paid in local school taxes, to benefit the state’s bottom line.

ADVOCACY REQUEST: Reach out today-let the Senate Education Committee know you support Senate Bill 2088. It is helpful for Spring Branch ISD.

In the House, we are watching HB 11 and HB 100 (the primary bill for school finance reform) and CSHB 1 – the General Appropriations Bill. These bills do not yet reach our legislative priority of at least a $1,000 increase in the Basic Allotment.

Here’s the math:

  • Why is SBISD asking for a minimum $1,000 increase to the Basic Allotment?
    • The Texas Comptroller’s Consumer Price Index affirms Texas public schools need a Basic Allotment increase of $900/student just to keep up with the inflationary costs districts have faced, with no additional revenue, since 2019. The additional $100/student (to reach our $1,000 request) helps us address inflationary costs going forward so we can continue to provide the educational excellence our students deserve.
    • A $1,000 increase would cut our recapture payment roughly in half.
    • Without an increase in the Basic Allotment, combined with recapture relief, SBISD faces a potential budget shortfall of $40-$50 million annually going forward. 
      • If funding is not increased, significant changes in programming and educational experiences would be required beginning in the 2024-25 school year.
  • Currently, the House budget allocates $5 billion for public education, or ONLY a $50/student increase in the Basic Allotment. This allocation includes strings attached and falls significantly short of the $14 billion ($900/student) needed to address the needs of public school districts statewide, including SBISD.  We need the Legislature to #FULLYFUNDSBISD!

ADVOCACY REQUEST: Reach out to our Legislative Delegation and the House Public Education Committee and emphasize the need for a $1,000/student increase in the Basic Allotment.

Texas Senate Committee on Education

  1. Brandon Creighton, Chair
    brandon.creighton@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0104
  2. Donna Campbell, Vice-Chair
    donna.campbell@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0125  
  3. Paul Bettencourt, Member
    Paul.Bettencourt@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0107  
  4. Brian Birdwell, Member
    Brian.Birdwell@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0122  
  5. Pete Flores, Member
    peter.flores@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0124  
  6. Phil King, Member
    phil.king@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0110  
  7. Morgan LaMantia, Member
    morgan.lamantia@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0127
  8. José Menéndez, Member
    jose.menendez@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0126  
  9. Mayes Middleton, Member
    mayes.middleton@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0111  
  10. Tan Parker, Member
    tan.parker@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0112  
  11. Angela Paxton, Member
    angela.paxton@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0108  
  12. Drew Springer, Member
    Drew.Springer@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0130  
  13. Royce West, Member
    royce.west@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0123

House Public Education Committee

  1. Brad Buckley, Chair
    brad.buckley@house.texas.gov 512-463-0684
  2. Alma Allen, Vice-Chair
    alma.allen@house.texas.gov 512-463-0744
  3. Steve Allison
    steve.allison@house.texas.gov 512-463-0686
  4. Charles Cunningham
    charles.cunningham@house.texas.gov 512-463-0520
  5. Harold Dutton
    harold.dutton@house.texas.gov 512-463-0510
  6. Cody Harris
    cody.harris@house.texas.gov 512-463-0730
  7. Brian Harrison
    brian.harrison@house.texas.gov 512-463-0516
  8. Cole Hefner
    cole.hefner@house.texas.gov 512-463-0271
  9. Gina Hinojosa
    gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov 512-463-0668
  10. Ken King
    ken.king@house.texas.gov 512-463-0736
  11. Oscar Longoria
    oscar.longoria@house.texas.gov 512-463-0645
  12. Matt Schaefer
    matt.schaefer@house.texas.gov 512-463-0584
  13. James Talarico
    james.talarico@house.texas.gov 512-463-0821

State Senators representing SBISD

  1. Paul Bettencourt, Texas Senator @TeamBettencourt
    Paul.Bettencourt@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0107
  2. Joan Huffman, Texas Senator @joanhuffman
    joan.huffman@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0117
  3. John Whitmire, Texas Senator @whitmire_john
    john.whitmire@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0115

House Representatives representing SBISD

  1. Mano DeAyala, Texas State Rep. @manoforstaterep
    mano.deayala@house.texas.gov  512-463-0514
  2. Lacey Hull, Texas State Rep. @laceyhulltx
    lacey.hull@house.texas.gov  512-463-0727
  3. Penny Shaw, Texas State Rep. @reppennymshaw
    penny.moralesshaw@house.texas.gov  512-463-0620

Thank you! We cannot let up on our messaging on behalf of our students, educators, schools and our Spring Branch ISD community. Our #CollectiveGreatness to ensure the voices of Spring Branch ISD are heard in Austin is needed now more than ever.

Our 88th Legislative Session resources are available here.

Thank you,

Jennifer Blaine, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools