Athletics and Arts Stakeholder Committee (AASC)

SBISD Athletics and Arts Stakeholder Committee Charge

September 2024

Official Designation: SBISD Athletics & Arts Stakeholder Committee

Background Information:
Spring Branch ISD (SBISD) has a long history of excellence in Athletics and Performing Arts programming, participation and success. Participation in athletics and in performing arts programming that occurs at athletics facilities (ex. marching band, dance team) directly supports our students’ development of the Core Characteristics of a T-2-4 Ready Graduate. Approximately 7,576 secondary students participated in one or more athletic activities during the 2023-24 school year. Nearly 750 students are currently participating in high school marching band, drill teams, and cheer.

At the same time, our district athletic facilities have not kept pace with the calibre and modernization of athletic facilities in neighboring district as well as those around the state, against whom our students compete. The last major renovations to the district’s athletic facilities, namely Tully Stadium, Grob Stadium, the Natatorium and Don Coleman Coliseum, were made under the 2007 bond.


Board of Trustees:
Members of the Board of Trustees of Spring Branch ISD are elected by the Spring Branch ISD community and as a body corporate have the exclusive power and duty to govern and oversee the management of the public schools of the district.

Texas Education Code Section 11.151b

The superintendent is the educational leader and chief executive officer of the school district and is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the district.

Texas Education Code Section 11.201 (d) (5)

Athletics & Arts Stakeholder Committee:
The SBISD Athletics & Arts Stakeholder Committee (SBISD AASC) is an ad hoc committee comprised of parents, staff, students, and community members as well as partners. The SBISD AASC may be asked to provide input and feedback about the district’s athletics facilities as the SBISD Board of Trustees considers an athletics facilities-focused bond package to present to SBISD voters. As such, the committee is constituted for a defined purpose and time and holds no statutory authority.

The Committee will conclude its work once its feedback has been presented to the SBISD Board of Trustees, unless otherwise charged by the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees recognizes the very important and necessary role of the SBISD AASC in reflecting the various perspectives of the SBISD community.

Committee Charge:
The SBISD Athletics & Arts Stakeholder Committee is charged by the Board of Trustees with the responsibility for working collaboratively and cooperatively with the superintendent and the superintendent’s administrative designees and resource personnel as well as the Board of Trustees Athletics Liaisons in providing input and feedback to the Board of Trustees.

The SBISD AASC may be asked to consider the findings of facilities assessments, the SBISD Financial Analysis/Debt Capacity Analysis and/or other significant primary and authoritative sources of District information.

Areas of focus from which the SBISD AASC should refrain include recommendations regarding specific design of schools or district facilities, location(s) of schools or district facilities, boundaries of district facilities, closure of district facilities, instructional arrangements and/or educational pedagogy and district policy.

The SBISD AASC is charged with beginning its work in October 2024, with feedback provided to the SBISD Board of Trustees no later than January 2025.

The Board of Trustees may act upon the feedback /input provided by the SBISD AASC by approving, amending, altering, or not approving all or any portion of their input, feedback and/or recommendations.

Read full Charge and Composition

Committee roster

Meeting Schedule

Wednesday, Oct. 23

Wednesday, Jan. 15

Wednesday, Feb. 19