Career & Technical Education (CTE) Bond Advisory Committee (BAC)
Scope of Work
- Receive and review the CTE Task Force report and CTE Working Group report.
- Receive and review the new CTE Educational Specifications.
- Receive and review all reports regarding CTE classrooms, labs and facilities.
- Review options for existing, renovated and/or new facilities, and their implications for projected enrollments, anticipated instructional programs and technology and related educational specifications, district staff, operations, and costs.
- Develop and present to the Board of Trustees a CTE Long-Range Facilities Plan to serve the district as a baseline for the next 10 years. The Plan should include recommendations related to upgrades, renovations, and/or expansions to existing classrooms, labs, and facilities to align with the CTE Program of Studies, and where appropriate, identify facilities to be replaced or added to the portfolio.
- The Committee will conclude its work once its CTE Long-Range Facilities Plan has been presented to the SBISD Board of Trustees, unless otherwise charged by the Board of Trustees.
Meeting Schedule
Wednesday, Sept. 8
6-8 p.m. (dinner served at 5:30 p.m.)
Westchester Academy (WAIS)
Wednesday, Sept. 22
6-8 p.m. (dinner served at 5:30 p.m.)
Northbrook HS
Wednesday, Oct. 6
6-8 p.m. (dinner served at 5:30 p.m.)
Stratford HS
Wednesday, Oct. 20
6-8 p.m. (dinner served at 5:30 p.m.)
Landrum HS