Cedar Brook Elementary

Bond 2017

Summary of Proposed work

The project will provide a multi-classroom addition to relieve the current overcrowding and to accommodate for projected student growth. The renovation project will also address safety and security as well as educational specifications. Cedar Brook Elementary will received new classroom furniture and student technology devices.

Opening its doors in 1993, Cedar Brook is a relatively new school in SBISD. The campus consists of 82,179 square footage with a 2017-2018 student enrollment of 795. 

Scope of Work

New classroom wing addition and interior and exterior renovation of existing 82,179 square footage Elementary School. Scope of work includes: Repairs of the existing roofing system including the replacement of the standing seam metal roof, mechanical system upgrades, Library renovations and replacement of skylight panels and providing new clearstory windows at the Collaboration spaces, replacement of door hardware at classrooms, fire alarm system replacement, security alarm & access control improvements, and renovation of existing restrooms.

Project Status

Construction Phase

Presentation to Board of Trustees (June 10, 2019)

Architects, Contractors & Timelines

  • Architect: Huckabee
  • Contractor: Satterfield & Pontikes
  • District Project Manager: Max Buja & Noel Moreno
  • Timeline
Begin Design Begin Construction Scheduled Completion
1Q2019 1Q2020 3Q2021


Bond Plan 2017

Monthly Project Reports

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Project Advisory Team Presentations
1/15/19 · 2/5/19 · 2/26/19 · 3/19/19 · 4/16/19 · 5/7/1911/5/19 

Project Advisory Team Minutes
1/15/19 · 2/5/19 · 2/26/19 · 3/19/19 · 4/16/19 · 5/7/19

Board Updates
1/31/19 · 2/28/19 · 3/31/19 · 4/30/19 · 5/31/19

Board Workshop


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