Spring Branch ISD Featured News

Choosing the right one is a 'pig' deal


Terms like ‘structural correctness’ and ‘muscle indicators’ were heard throughout the barn at the Spring Branch ISD Ag Farm this week. More than 20 students from sixth to 12th grade were there to select a pig to raise this year as part of the district’s agricultural science and Future Farmers of America (FFA) programs.

“We are trying to make it as normal as possible for these kids,” said Ag. Science teacher (AST) Katie Corona, with a mask on. 

During rotations to four different pens, students and parents studied and took notes about the four-month-old pigs available.

“They are looking for bone structure that can hold weight as the pig grows,” said AST Clayton Dumesnil. “Width over the back and rear are indicators of good muscle.”

Leila, a student at Memorial High School, has previously won awards for raising rabbits, chickens and turkeys, but wanted to try raising a pig this year. “I have done a lot of research,” she said. “I am looking for muscle structure and a good fat to muscle ratio.”

Stratford High School senior, Cade, paid attention to how the young pigs walked during the animal viewing part of the selection process. “I go with my gut feeling based on how the pig walks,” he said. 

“You can add muscle and fat, but you cannot fix how smoothly they walk.”

Last year he placed in the top three at the SBISD Ag. Farm’s contest for Showmanship, which judges how the student and the animal work together in the arena.

After the viewing rotations, the students ranked which pigs they would like to choose, and drew numbers to determine their selection order.

Cade drew the lucky number one position. He selected one of the largest young pigs, and carried it off to The Ham Palace, the barn where the pigs will be cared for by students twice daily – before and after school, until the spring show.

“Every day. Every night. Even Christmas Day,” said Cade of the care and feeding schedule. 

See more photos from the pig selection event here.

Later this week, other students will gather to select lambs and goats.

The agricultural program students are also conducting a fundraiser, selling meats and desserts for delivery before Thanksgiving and fruits for December arrival. If you would like to support this program please contact Katie Corona at Kathryn.corona@springbranchisd.com. Proceeds will go toward student events and helping them pursue personal and leadership growth, as well as career aspirations.

Submitted by Becky Wuerth, SBISD Communications
