Spring Branch ISD Featured News

Generous hearts from the heart of SBISD


The Spring Woods High School (SWHS) Class of 1974 recently held their 50th reunion. More than 200 attendees gathered to catch up on the events of the half century since graduation from the high school located in the heart of Spring Branch ISD.

The class’s reunion committee decided to hold a silent auction at the milestone occasion to benefit Woods Goods, a food pantry program at SWHS that provides nutrition for area families needing food, hygiene products, household items and more. The pantry is open every Friday from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m.

“Susan Howse Busch was in charge of the silent auction,” reports Mary Norton Fitzgerald.  “We asked for donations to be more personal in nature, i.e. something homemade, part of the business you are with or a personal piece of art. We had a number of donated items from a handmade guitar, quilts, pottery, photography, sculptures and even an autographed book co- authored by one of our classmates.” 

Some of the donations were made in honor of classmates who have passed away, so the connections between then and now were even more poignant. 

The result? 

More than $6,000 was raised for Woods Goods via the silent auction and cash donations. 

SWHS Teacher Nathan Figueroa II–Mr. Fig--and some current students involved with Woods Goods received the check from the 1974 Tigers with gratitude and joy.

And Class of ’74 members were happy and thankful to make this generous donation to Woods Goods. “I’m sure this will help them expand the ability to help students and their families,” said Fitzgerald. 

“We're going to put the funds to community needs,” said student organizers in a statement. “The donation will also help us to have more food for the rest of the school year. We're looking to restart the toy drive here at Spring Woods and conduct more community outreach.”

A long history of character 

Thank you to the SWHS Class of ’74 for setting a good example of being Ethical & Service-minded, one of six Core Characteristics that have traditionally defined the optimal development of SBISD students. Specifically, thank you to the reunion committee for the idea and impetus to make this donation happen.

SWHS Class of ’74 Reunion Committee:

  • Dina Duran Blume
  • Lori Wiggins Etchison 
  • Nancy Ogden Kay
  • Mary Norton Fitzgerald 
  • Jane Palmer Poe
  • Robby Payne

Established in 1945, Spring Branch ISD is interconnected by generations of former students whose character and generous hearts were formed during the years of their youth spent in this close-knit community. Today, teachers and district staff continue the development of Core Characteristics in their students at they grow up in our schools.

“We are very grateful for them donating and for still caring and helping their old high school,” said the student organizers. “They still hold love and care for our alma mater, and play a critical role improving our campus for the next generation. The other aspect to all this, is we were able to connect with the class of 74' and their legacy, which continues to amaze students when seeing and speaking with alumni from Spring Woods.”

Fifty-one years from now, it's highly likely that the SBISD classes of 2025 will come together, united by the same generous spirit, to give back to their alma maters.
