Spring Branch ISD Featured News

Message from Superintendent of Schools - March 25, 2020


Dear SBISD parents, students and community members,

I cannot thank you enough for the overwhelming positivity, patience, kindness and understanding you have displayed as all of us in SBISD work to keep meaningful learning and connections happening for and with our children, albeit remotely, and at a speed of implementation none of us could have imagined. We are launching new learning tools, leveraging new technologies (“Zooming” is new for us all!), and working in entirely new ways in the face of Covid-19. The learning curve is huge. I am so proud and grateful for how our teachers, leaders, and teams are responding to support students and families.

Digital Backpack

The SBISD Digital Backpack online learning resource had 79,500 page views in the first 24 hours after we launched it on Sunday night!

Over 9,650 elementary study packets were picked up on Tuesday, too. Your engagement is testament to the high priority you place on your children’s education. 

Because we condensed our pick up schedule for elementary families, not all our study packets were back from the printer by Tuesday, and the demand was greater than we imagined. We have more packets en route, and we will communicate an additional pick up opportunity tomorrow.

We also have created a new resource page within the Digital Backpack where elementary families can download PDF versions of the study packets.

Success with meals for students

This week we also launched our Grab and Go Meals service. Just today, our Child Nutrition Services (CNS) staff prepared and delivered over 21,000 individual meals for 3,500 students. This week, we have served 10,000 children through our Grab and Go service. This has been a huge lift, especially in light of social distancing rules in place throughout. Please join me in thanking and congratulating our entire team for making this happen.

Parent and family support

As a parent, I understand that helping your children with their learning, keeping them focused, and providing them support, while also tending to your own work and family responsibilities can be a huge challenge. That said, it’s been very rewarding to see on social media and hear from you how you are making family schedules, asking older children to “teach” younger siblings and dividing and conquering across families to keep learning happening.

Your teachers and counselors are here to help! Hopefully, you have heard from your child’s teachers and school this week. Please reach out directly to your child’s teachers when and if you have questions or need help.

The days ahead

As I shared with employees earlier this week, we also know each day ahead will challenge us personally and professionally in ways we cannot yet know or understand, and our individual responses will vary based on our own circumstances and experiences. That’s ok.

Our SBISD core values will continue to guide us in how we collaborate together and how we move forward together as the Spring Branch Family in bold new ways on behalf of Every Child.

Please know we will do our very best to exceed your expectations. We will not be perfect, but our thousands of employees are trying hard to do so. Individually and collectively, we are so grateful for your support.

Please take care of yourselves and your families, monitor your health, wash your hands often, and abide by social distancing and the stay home orders issued by local governmental leaders. It will take all of us doing our part to move us beyond this national health crisis.


Jennifer Blaine, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools