After School Care
Looking for after school student care?
SBISD schools offer a range of options to serve families and their students when it comes to after school care. Below are a few of the many options available to our families. Please contact your school to learn more about specific after school care offered at your campus.
Family Point Resources
FamilyPoint Resources engages our community in supportive relationships that build hope, meet needs, and transform lives. We accomplish our mission by working toward mutual growth through listening, playing, and learning. Click here to learn more.
Girls on the Run
We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Click here to learn more.
iKids U After-School
iKids U is an on-site, customizable, after-school program! Following the school day, students have the opportunity to participate in an optional Enrichment program, One on One instruction, or they can take part in our daily Stay & Play program! In addition to the activities, students may also enjoy snack-time, recreation and homework assistance. Click here to learn more.
SpringSpirit exists to provide pathways for youth to realize life opportunities through sports, education, and mentoring programs.Click here to learn more.
The Boys and Girls Club Spring Branch
To inspire and enable all youth, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. Click here to learn more.
YMCA After School Care
In YMCA After School Care, kids engage in physical, learning and imaginative activities that encourage them to explore who they are and what they can achieve. In addition to supplementing what they have learned in school, they participate in interactive learning models that engage critical thinking skills, are provided 30 minutes each day to work on their homework from trained School age kids also have the opportunity to participate in STEAM activities (science, technology, engineering, arts, math), a variety of literacy activities and HEPA activities (healthy eating, physical activities).
Click here to view a listing of SBISD campuses that offer YMCA After School Care.