Britannica School is Encyclopedia Britannica's online database for schools. The site offers substantial research support for students in elementary through high school, as well as instructional scaffolding for teachers. Content on the site is differentiated for elementary, middle, and high school reading levels. When visiting the simple homepage, students select their grade level, at which point they'll see a dropdown menu of prompts. Middle schoolers might see something like "Explore videos and articles on famous people and places" while high schoolers might see "Get quick facts and in-depth information on a wide variety of subjects."
Articles are available at three reading levels, labeled simply 1, 2, and 3. Students select their preference -- every article that follows will appear at that level. The Lesson Plan Browse and Lesson Plan Builder sections for teachers include search options for Common Core standards, reading level, and STEM connections. There's also information on specific instructional needs like ESL/ELL and Special Ed accommodations.
You can also go directly to Britannica Image Quest by clicking the icon below:
Learn360 is the premier streaming digital delivery service for the K–12 educational market. Content is provided by more than 200 top educational producers, and that number is continually growing.
PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. PebbleGo Next is designed for 3-5 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas.
SIRS Discoverer is a multidisciplinary database specifically designed for upper elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators covering curriculum areas such as, history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies, and technology.
Sora provides access to thousands of age-appropriate eBooks and audiobooks. Students may connect their account to the Harris County Public Library to gain access to even more books.
Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-based digital content for K-12, transforming teaching and learning with award-winning digital textbooks, multimedia content, professional development, and the largest professional learning community of its kind.
ArtStor brings together media from top museums, archives, scholars, and artists, with a specialized suite of tools for teaching and learning with visual materials — all rights-cleared for education and research.
Primarily used in IB and AP courses, JSTOR is a digital library encompassing books and other primary sources as well as current issues of journals. It provides full-text searches of almost 2,000 journals.