A strong start with literacy

Achieving Spring Branch T-2-4 for Every Child requires a strong emphasis on literacy. In Spring Branch ISD, our goal is for students to read at or above grade level by the beginning of third grade and maintain proficiency in Language Arts throughout their education. This is made possible through the Texas Education Agency's TEKS, which sets clear expectations for Language Arts curriculum at all grade levels. SBISD’s literacy work also aligns with the Science of Teaching Reading.

Our committed teachers have honed their expertise in teaching young children to read and have undergone extensive professional learning aligned with TEA standards.

Through ongoing professional development opportunities, our SBISD teachers continuously enhance their skills in literacy development to provide exceptional support and reading instruction to our students.


TEKS Strand Tree

The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are the English language arts and reading standards in Texas. They embody the interconnected nature of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking through seven integrated strands

1 - Developing & Sustaining Foundational Language Skills

  • Beginning Reading & Writing
    • Phonological Awareness
    • Print concepts
    • Phonics
    • Morphology
  • Oral Language
    • Listening
    • Speaking
    • Discussion
  • Vocabulary

2 - Comprehension Skills

3 - Response Skills

4 - Multiple Genres

5 - Author's Purpose & Craft

6 - Composition

7 - Inquiry & Research

Strands of literacy