Tyra Walker
Kristy Chavis
Ralph Manning
Jessica Bean
January Davis
Amy Hancock
Maxwell Otalor
Takelia Price
Felicia Smith
Keenan Coleman
Wanda Jackson
Ronda James
Verlia Reed-Byrd
The philosophy of System of Care originated with the work of Judge Steve Teske of Clayton County, Georgia. Judge Teske recognized a growing epidemic of students placed in the juvenile justice system as the result of minor disciplinary infractions. Equally as troubling as the “why” students are getting in trouble is the “who”. Discipline data throughout the country shows the astounding disproportionality of rates and severity of punishment by race, gender, and socio-economic status in our nation. Coupled with the strong correlation between disciplinary action and the school-to-prison pipeline, Judge Teske has advocated that discipline reform is imperative for our children and the future of our country. He posits that it is through prevention and positive behavior support that we can use discipline as a teaching tool for improving behavior rather than a means of ineffective consequences with potentially detrimental and long-lasting implications.
The leaders of Spring Branch ISD studied the work of Judge Teske and districts that have successfully made vast changes in shifting campus culture and lowering the number of discipline referrals. It was clear that providing students with a positive, safe learning environment is central to making this shift, and therefore, central to the mission of our district in reaching T-2-4. Through comprehensive planning and the guidance of experts in behavior, neurological research, and the study of learning, in the Fall of 2014, the System of Care team in Spring Branch ISD was born.
The System of Care encompasses all of the core values. By working alongside members from each campus, we are leveraging our collective greatness and our collaborative spirit to ensure we are reaching our goal of providing the best learning environment for Every Child.
System of Care is housed in the SBISD West Support Center
2100 Shadowdale Dr.,
Houston, TX 77043.
If your campus is requiring support, the campus administrator or admin assistant, can fill out the password protected System of Care Request Form. You can also email your Care Coach directly.
Someone should contact you within 24 to 48 hours after your request.